Sunday 20 December 2009

gitu deh

suka mau nulis, tapi bingung mau nulis apa... gw bener2 baru nyadar kalo gw ternyata bener bukanlah orang yang perhatian terhadap lingkungan sekitar. salah satu cirinya, gw belum tentu ingat secara detail kemarin ngapain makan apa aja sama siapa. atau tanggal hari ini. asik! kehidupan gw pun datar-datar aja. ga ada yang terlalu spektakuler buat dijadikan tulisan atau entah karena gw yang kurang sensitif, dan pemikiran-pemikiran gw sering muncul di saat yang kurang pas (munculnya sepotong-sepotong lagi, bikin bingung kalo mau ditulis jadi akhirnya ga nulis) tapi sekali2 mungkin perlu dipaksa nulis...

Friday 18 December 2009

Tuesday 10 November 2009


argh, ga terungkapkan kekesalan gw. gw cuma dapet limapuluhsatu untuk mata kuliah fisika dasar 1A... imut banget. limapuluh satu.
area 51 itu bukannya tempat yang konon pernah menjadi tempat kontak dengan makhluk luar angkasa? kabar ini belom dapat dibuktikan kebenarannya. tapi yang pasti bener nilai uts fisika gw berada di area 51 an lah...
kraukkk. ngeheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... *di pinggir jurang, meneriakkan kekesalan dengan sepenuh hati*
angka laknat limapuluhsatu ini merupakan tamparan buat gw, karena gw gak menyangka nilai fisika gw bisa sejelek ini. dari smp-sma ga pernah sekalipun nilai fisika gw di bawah tujuhpuluhlima. dan waktu ngerjain uts fisika kemarin, gw merasa nilai gw ga akan lebih jelek dari 65, karena soalnya memang tidak terlalu sulit dan sudah pernah dipelajari di sma. cuma satu dari lima soal yang gw memang bikin kesalahan fatal, sisanya yaa...bolehlah dibilang cukup meyakinkan. gataunya, nomer2 yang gw anggap cukup meyakinkan itu cuma dihargai 10, 9, 12, dan 16 dari 20. WTF? jawaban gw yang indah2 cuma dihargai segitu?
memang sih nilai gw jauh di atas rata-rata satu universitas (bayangkan nilai rata-rata 30!) tapi buat gw ini sangat menyebalkan. apa sih yang bisa dibanggakan dari nilai limapuluhsatu? baru pertama kali ada ujian yang gw bisa ngerjainnya, tapi cuma dihargai limapuluhsatu. indeks C. cukup? ngehe! semua soal tutorial dari dosen udah gw kerjain dengan sukses dan pede-pede aja bakal dapet bagus. tapi kenapa limapuluhsatu? why, why, why Delilah? why? ngeheeeeee... nilai macem apa ituuuu...

(agak2 tenggelam dalam perasaan kecewa terhadap diri sendiri)

Wednesday 7 October 2009

semakin banyak belajar, semakin banyak tidak tahu

merasa jago fisika? kalkulus? kimia?
well, saya nggak.

dulu sih waktu sma merasa jago. tapi sekarang nggak lagi...
saya sadar kemampuan kalkulus, fisika, kimia saya masih selevel sma. dan level sma berarti ilmu saya masih sangat pas-pasan. dan di level sma itupun saya bukan 'ace', masih ada langit di atas langit, dalam artian saya hanya sedikit lebih unggul dalam bidang-bidang di atas dibandingkan rata-rata teman sejawat. saya harus tahu diri, kemampuan saya masih pas-pasan dan belum terasah, dan menerima bahwa proses belajar saya dimulai dari nol lagi...
tapi meskipun saya masih pas-pasan, saya janji tidak akan putus asa. saya harus ingat tidak ada orang yang jadi expert dalam waktu sekejap. masalahnya, apa saya mau bersusah-susah untuk jadi expert? HARUS MAU. saya bukan tidak bisa kalkulus, bukan tidak bisa fisika kimia, hanya BELUM BISA. saya tidak boleh minder terhadap rekan-rekan lain yang lebih dahulu bisa dari saya. meskipun saya tidak dituntut untuk punya nilai A semua, tapi saya HARUS mau belajar. tidak butuh otak yang jeniusnya keterlaluan untuk menjadi sukses. setiap saya jenuh, saya harus selalu ingat yang saya tulis disini.

bandung, 7 oktober 2009

teknik kimia? teknik fisika? seni rupa! haha =D

kenapa sekarang saya jadi bingung, mau teknik kimia apa teknik fisika?
...masa sih saya bakal membiarkan diri saya terbawa arus begitu saja.

saya masih punya waktu 2 bulan lagi sebelum isi kuisioner pemilihan jurusan lagi sih. tapi saya bingung. teknik kimia tuh ngapain dan teknik fisika tuh ngapain terus apa aja yang dipelajari, saya bener2 bingung. dan saya bener2 bingung minat saya dimana. intinya satu: sains. sains yang mana? mau ngapaiiiiinnnnnnnn???????
yang pasti ga akan saya pilih itu teknik industri, soalnya bukan gw banget, gitu loh.

cita-cita saya, mengembangkan energi terbarukan. rancu kan? teknik fisika, apa teknik kimia dong? suer, apa dong?
minat saya apa? saya jadi bingung sendiri.
sedikit OOT. saya ingin di negara khatulistiwa ini sinar matahari dimanfaatkan dengan baik. salah satu caranya ya, solar energy. energi surya yang lebih efisien, murah produksinya, dan ramah lingkungan jadi alternatif bahan bakar minyak. rekening PLN bakal jauh lebih murah karena sumber energi gratis: matahari. ga perlu impor-impor minyak. ga perlu ngebor-ngebor. ga ada acara minyak tumpah di laut. menarik untuk diteliti. impian saya, perumahan-perumahan yang baru akan dibangun nanti mau bekerja sama dengan saya untuk mengembangkan pembangkit listrik tenaga surya terintegrasi. dan apapun berapapun penghasilan saya, harus cukup untuk membawa orangtua saya wisata keliling dunia =D
(saya memang ga percaya ada jurusan yang lebih berprospek dari jurusan lain. tapi saya percaya, rejeki itu tergantung dari bagaimana kita mengusahakan dan memanfaatkan kondisi yang tepat...)
dulu saya pikir teknik kimialah yang mempelajari energi terbarukan ini. ternyata yang fokus ke energi terbarukan versi solar energi, teknik fisika. lho!

saking bingungnya, saya jadi tergoda pindah ke seni rupa saja.asik kan. ga usah ribut fisika kimia segala macem! lulus dari seni rupa, berangkat ke bali, buka galeri seni, berkarya sepanjang hayat di pulau dewata deh =D

argh plis deh, masa udah susah2 masuk sini mau pindah jurusan. lucu banget...

Thursday 1 October 2009

lab work

At first, i didn't think lab class will be so fun. even before the lab class, we had been asked to write a 5-pages journal consisted of the purpose of the experiments, tools and material being used, work steps and so on. i did the stupid journal on my bed, as i fell into my unconcious mind, deeper, and deeper...
those work steps are fairly long and complicated. i was really bored.
but when i was in the lab class, i was amazed. there were so many funny and cute lab equipments inside. there was a sentrifuge machine. it's such a cute machine that rotate fastly around 1000rpm to sentrifuge a sample. when we burn something, we don't use spiritus anymore; there is an integrated gas system. and there is also a cute machine with cute name. it is called soxhlet. its main purpose is to extract an active compound from organic material. soxhlet is such a cute name for such thing, isn't it? i am really not sorry to be in an science engineering major!

Sunday 13 September 2009


Your Love Sign is Aquarius

You fall in love as easily as the next person, but you do it on your terms.

For you, love is always unconventional and even a little freaky.

You're an independent and inventive person. You are drawn to someone wacky and totally cutting edge!

It's hard to predict who you'll fall for next. You don't even know yourself.

oh, exactly sooooo right...

Friday 11 September 2009

magic lock-mocked lock II

oh, it's not about my success in opening the lock. i still haven't achieved this. i am just happy that my parents also couldn't open the front gate with their own duplicated key. i'm not the only one who can't open the gate properly.

another wierd story : you are not alone

last friday morning, as a result of simultaneous water drinking in the morning, i needed to go to the restroom in the middle of chemistry lesson. so i permitted myself out of the class and headed into the girl's restroom.
the first year freshmen building where the lesson being held was quite an unique building. when you look at the building from above, it forms an octagon. each of the class was built theatre-like, the front row on the lowest elevation and the last row was on the highest elevation. because of this theatre-like structure, the building stood really high although it only consisted of three floors. there were two classrooms on each side of the octagon, and to reach the other classroom in another sections, you need to climb up and down several stairs (matched to the height of classroom elevation)on the top of these stairs was where the restroom located.
this building's restroom, i believed was designed improperly. no natural light. it is a really, really small room about 2x2 meters divided into two lavatories. it is possible that extremely morbidly obese person almost couldn't fit into the lavatory. both lavatories door were open, so i just went into one of them. i shut the door and started doing my business. soon after i closed the door,
there were terrible noises in that restroom, outside my lavatory. it was the sound of door violently closed and opened repeatedly, combined with loud banging on the door of lavatory beside. i didn't think wind blows is a good excuse for this since the restroom was not exposed to open air. at first i thought it was people rushing into the restroom, but as i listened, the noises grew more and more terrible.
"what the hell this person is doing?" I thought so, when suddenly out of nowhere, a faint scent of perfume spread on the air around me.
the scent grew stronger inside the tiny cubicle until the point i couldn't stand anymore, so i pushed open the cubicle door to see what kind of bad tasted person who made loud noises and applied too much of terrible-smelling perfume in such early in the morning.

but there was no one. the other cubicle's door was still open. it was really silent, only the sound of water dripping from the tap inside the cubicle. there also was a scientifically incorrect thing occured, there was no freaking perfume scent outside my cubicle. that strong, irritating scent of terrible-smelling perfume was disappeared just like...nah, disappeared like that.

oh shit, there must be something wrong.

i rushingly stepped out of the restroom with uneasy feeling without looking back, and sat back on my desk inside the classroom. i told nothing to my classmate, although she asked why i had such weird expression on my face.
silently, i promised myself not to go alone into the restroom anymore...

Thursday 10 September 2009

magic lock-mocked lock

when i first arrived at my dorm, i never expected this.

my dorm has 2 layers of protection from the outside world. first is its main gate, and second is the door to the house.
the household caretaker duplicates the keys of the main gate and the front door, in case i come home late and she's alreadly asleep. so i have the duplicates of those keys. indeed.
one day, i came home late. so i have to open the gate with my key. the key is inserted to the lock.
one minute.
three minutes.
five minutes.
ten minutes. hey, what the hell? the lock wouldn't open! it's dark already and i want to go to bathroom quick!
struggling with frustation, led by natural instinct somehow the lock was finally opened.
every other day, i still can't open the stupid lock properly. nah. it is even more frustating if i am in a rush. hey i'm late but this damn lock just wont open! i secretly hope they forget to lock the gate, but somehow the gate is always locked in the first place. i guess i have no choice...
after several frustating failure attempt to open this gate lock (can't be helped!) usually i start to use violence to open the main gate. violence has made the newly-duplicated key suffers sooo much. the outer layer of shiny paint of the key is well-scratched, well done. eat that, key! i mean, i felt like the lock and the key is mocking me. or am i just dumb? it is such a weird lock indeed. it's not user friendly. especially unfriendly to me. it needs extra force to insert the key, and you need to twist the key as you pull the lock to open it. when it's finally open, you can't pull the key out of the lock unless you lock the lock first. weird, eh? stupid well-made, expensive lock system...

i thought everyone has a problem opening this damned lock, but one morning i was late. i rushed into the front gate...dang, the gate is locked again. i get my key out from my purse. Here, lock, i don't like you and you don't like me, so let's make peace out of this...
for the longest five minutes of my life, i struggled to open the lock as i swore swearwords inside my head. luckily, the girl whose room is beside my room came. she was going to go too. so i ask her for help.

"hey, could you please open the lock for me using your key? i have trouble opening this gate with my key..."



i have stood there for five minutes and she didn't even need to move her hands to open the lock!
so i thought the problem is on my duplicated key. but it is a two bird in one shot, i was wrong again. one morning i was late again. i rush into the front gate...sure, the gate was locked again. i got my key out from my purse. and i had spent ten minutes to open the lock violently when my household caretaker came.

"what's the problem?"
"my key wouldn't open the lock! i'm late!"
"is your key unfit?"

*i handed her my key*

"it is just like that. why can't you open it?"

oh man. i felt so humiliated. they seem to have no plan replacing the lock, though...

college life is so fun

yes it is. i never enjoyed myself like this before. when i was in high school, i almost had no life: it's all about school, course, school, course, blah, blah. i spent 12 hours of my life at school (wondering what kind of school that held its students for that long? it's a school that located about thirty kilometers from your house with stupid transportation system and operates from seven to three fifteen) then another three hours in the course almost everyday. great, just great. i know those all pay a great deal to my achievments now...(what ACHIEVMENTS?) i thought college life would be no different with the previous life i had. but i was very wrong.
first, the schedule is irregular. well, sorta irregular. it's actually regular, though. oh my, i'm so inconsistent. fixed schedule, for the freshmen regulars. but the hours are so not busy laah... on monday, i have three classes only, six hours total. on tuesday, i have four classes, so far this is the busiest day still. on wednesday, i also only have three classes. thursday, friday, saturday, sunday is long weekend. tee-hee. on thursday our faculty only have labs. three hours only. and on friday, there is only one classes. i really love it. between second and third classes, there is a four hours length recess. i can go to the mall to eat my lunch, oh boy. i really love it. more time to socialize and hang-out which i almost had no time to do back in the highschool.
second, i don't have to ride on vehicle and sit and sulk for thirty kilometers on the road anymore. i can simply walk from my dormitory...err, it is not exacty a dorm isn't it? cheap. healthy. and if i am going to be late, i can take public transportation. also cheap, but still cheaper walking for sure. it has been my dream to walk to school again since the dawn of time...
third. food, food, cheap food with great taste everywhere. dammit~! however i can burn off those calories by running. free sport facilities. running on the running track. run for your life. i love exercising, love it love it love it love it love it...
fourth, i don't need to bring a lot of heavy books anymore. sorry dude, it's over now. there is still no single professor rails at me for not bringing my textbooks. textbooks are not to be carried everywhere anymore. college textbooks are for correcting your sleeping position, or if you ever meet someone you really want to crash, college textbooks are the one you have been looking for. college textbooks, however, makes you look so smart if you can stand carrying them everywhere...
and finally i have an extracullicular activity that i really like!
ARCHERY! HA! i never wished to be involved in such cool activity! i am an archer, archer, archer, archer... (i'm a snotty beginner archer indeed) i am planning to be in robotic unit too, but i wonder what kind of people are inside the robotic unit? me however i am still going to try it later!
i hope i'll enjoy this game until the very end!

Wednesday 22 July 2009

useless rant

i am not satisfied with the answer 'everything is god's plan'. that's an excuse to everything. if i get one million dollars this morning, that's god's plan. if i bang my head into the wall now and get stitched on my head, that's also god's plan. if i eat too much junk food and later become morbidly obese with several cardiovascular diseases, that's also god's plan. becoming morbidly obese is a god's plan, wow. spiritually speaking, i don't grasp this concept very well. i do believe god exists though, unlike some close minded assumption that people like me are always an atheist (again, what do religious people have against atheists?) there must be a great designer for everything in this universe. it is only i have different views over this creator. for me, this creator is a lot like programmer, the creator's motto is everything happens for a reason. it's a causality. the creator creates complex programming language that includes scientific laws and human free will inside. so the understanding of god's plan is quite different in my mind. god's plan is everything happens for a reason naturally, so there is no such thing as fate. famine and world hunger is the result of former action of nature, so do disasters. there are no such thing as miracle. it is just a sequence of actions and reactions from you, people around you, people everywhere, or anything that results in something you really like. vice versa for bad luck. it's indeed god's plan that i'm morbidly obese from eating so much junkfood, but don't blame god! spiritually speaking, it's our choices that moves god's plan. everything has its consequence. spiritually speaking, i think people's life span are also in God's plan, god gives choices: which life do you want to live? the life that ends after 50 years, 70 years, or anything you like? bah, all these nonsense talking gives me headache.

spiritually speaking...

spiritually speaking is a very popular line among the question askers in yahoo answer. they go like "spiritually speaking,..." then ask something unrelated in religion and spirituality section. i find it funny and offensive in some way. although i mostly answer questions in science and mathematics section (it's a section where best answer is the easiest to earned) my top favorite is religion and spirituality section. it provides cheap and good laughs instantly. sometimes also enlightening.
i have to confess that the r&s section has influenced my views over those kind of things. i had never been a religious person before. i think i would never be. I'm just made not to be religious, if religiosity (is this even a word?!) was ever made to be a genetic traits. I'm just more practical and logical, and also skeptical. my community has never been a heterogenized one, so r&s section is a new thing for me. I've never seen so many believers and non-believers mixed in one place.
i already had a lot of doubts over my i.d. card religion ( i can list a HUNDRED things i doubt ), but i never dare to question about it. i never dare! after i landed in some sort of la-la-land called yahoo answer r&s section, i had to admit that i doubted my belief, indeed. the more i ask, the more questions were created. spiritually speaking, I'm really tired. i want to explore. why can't i explore? i do a lot of thinking. i just found out that I'm not religious, thank you brain.
in the eyes of believers, i am really really lost, possessed by evil spirit, and badly influenced by r&s section.what am i supposed to do if i have a question? research it, right? prove it. my skeptical scientific mind refuses to JUST BELIEVE. my motto is 'prove it'.
i just want to have freedom to define my spirituality. how could religious people be so sure that their religious view are right? faith? what is faith? is it for real or is it just an euphoria? how could i know an answer for a thing for sure if there is no proof? religion is man-made, so spiritually speaking it made. prove it. it is indeed. there is no proof that God exists, there is also no proof that God exists. but i think God exists and i have strong logical proofs for this argument, not from some old tales. i am exploring. where do died people go? are the things inside some book that written thousands of years ago for real or they're no different to nostradamus' prophecy? we can't know for sure. we can't know for sure until we prove it.
spiritually speaking, i'm still exploring! i love this freedom!

Friday 17 July 2009

after long hiatus

it's been a long time since i wrote my last entry for this journal.
it's not that i don't enjoy writing. i do enjoy writing. i have many excellent ideas for writing topics at times inside my's only that i never poured them out. my mind is always busy with a lot of thinking,inside my mind it is almost like there are a lot of people talking about random things at once (sounds crazy...?)and they are the noisiest when i start to lose concentration on things i shoud put my concentration on...such as school. when i actually have time to write what those noisy people talk about, i already have forgotten the interesting points i've meant to write, have already discussed it with a friend, or just plain have lost interest in that subject. so i just sit here, gazing at the monitor, typing something before hitting the backspace as thinking "this won't do. i'll go to bed."
so now that i've got a notebook, i should be able to express my thoughts in more mobile manner. but well, once again, it depends!

Wednesday 8 April 2009


gw bener2 shock karena bisa masuk FTI-ITB! huaaaaaa... Thanks God!!! ini bukan mimpi kan i_i

Sunday 5 April 2009


...buruan tanggal 8 deh, biar kalo mao SHOCK ya sekalian SHOCK nya!! huahahahahahahahahahaha...
masa depan ga ada yang tau,...
bisa aja tanggal 8 gw SHOCK karena kegirangan keterima di FTI-ITB...atau malah SHOCK terpuruk gara2 belum dapat diterima? o_O;
ah, gw ga boleh terpuruk, masi ada USM pusat n masi ada snmptn! *kalo akhirnya ikut snmptn juga, tau gitu dari awal aja...*
masi 2x lagi kesempatan masuk ITB!
maaan, bener2 masa2 yang penuh cobaan...
siap ga gw ngadepin SHOCK lagi?
yang jelas gw uda ga berharap banyak sejak buka pengumuman UI kemaren... *kegagalan terbesar gw di masa sma*
okelah, emang sih gw JAUH dari langit ama bumi lebih bisa ngerjain tes ITB dibanding simak ui, tapi apa itu jadi jaminan? ngga kan! kalo simak ui yang supersusah (eh, ga juga, lebay ah) gw bisa lulus, baru gw ITB boleh cengar cengir! ah tapi ga juga lah ya...
secara statistika dan ilmu peluang, peluang buat keterima di ITB kayaknya jau lebih besar... kenapa? soalnya pesertanya ga sebanyak SIMAK UI yang seabreg, dan biayanya juga mahal.
tapi serius, gw gamau ngomong apa2 deh...

Friday 3 April 2009

maaf anda belum dapat diterima di universitas indonesia

yah... o_o;
sia2lah perjuangan gw nongkrong di bimbel, mengorbankan nilai ulangan harian, ikut TO sana sini sampe nangis darah...
kalo mao jujur nih, mskipun dritadi gw ketawa2 barang tmen2 gw... sebel banget sih sebetulnya gw! Gondok gondok gondok siaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal!!! dasar apes...
gw jadi agak2 down juga buat menghadapi pengumuman ITB tanggal 8 april ini, duhai...
tapi yasudahlah, mgkin memang gw ga jodoh di UI, hahaha...lagian rugi tuh UI ga pny mhsw sekeren gw... *penghiburan diri yang tidak berguna*
toh kl keterimapun gw ga ambil sebetulnya. mungkin pihak UI nya juga bisa baca pikiran gw!
dan ternyata Tuhan mendengar doa gw, gw emang ga boleh kuliah di UI... olala...
sukur deh ga keterima. artinya kalo usm itb daerah dan pusat ga keterima juga, gw ga ada beban buat ikut snmptn!

Friday 27 March 2009

tinggal 7 hari lagi...

pengumuman SIMAK UI tinggal seminggu lagi!

kalo pengumuman USM-ITB?

gatau kapan, pokoknya mendebarkan!

mari kita tunggu kabar minggu depan..............

Sunday 8 March 2009


akhirnya SIMAK UI yang bikin kebat-kebit uda lewat juga tanggal 1 maret kemaren. hhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...
waktu ujian sesi pertama kemampuan ipa gw bener2 kebat kebit karena ternyata kotak pensil gw tinggal di mobil (bego! betapa begonyaaaa!!!) dan setelah nyolek orang kanan kiri depan belakang, akhirnya ketemu juga orang yang bawa pensil 2 biji. dia dengan rela hati meminjamkan 1 pensilnya buat gw...ya ampun, kebaikan yang bener2 bikin terharu. ga sampai disitu aja, tanpa diduga dia menyodorkan sebagian dari penghapus barunya yang dia potong buat gw (huaaaaaa! so sweet! gw harus kerjain soal sebaik-baikknya demi orang baik hati yang rela meminjamkan peralatannya padaku yang bodoh ceroboh ini)
benar2 anak itu seperti malaikat yang dikirim Tuhan...
sayang gw uda saking linglungnya, waktu di sesi ke dua uda punya penghapus sendiri gw lupa nawarin penghapus gw buat gantiin penghapus dia (bego! betapa begonyaaaa!!!) Berarti gw masih punya utang sama dia. Ya Tuhan, bikin saya sama dia keterima di UI supaya saya bisa bayar utang saya...
halah2, itu mah emang gw yang pengen ktrima di UI... tapi memang gw berharap banget keterima =.= chemical engineering!
kalo yang ngebaca ada yang tau ni anak, gw ujian di SMAN 2 bekasi. itu anak duduknya di serong kanan belakang gw. nomer meja gw...ah nanti aja deh...
pokoknya, Ya Tuhan, berkati anak itu dimanapun dia berada...

i think it is not a suicide: kasus mahasiswa Indonesia di NTU

*isi tidak bisa dipertanggungjwabkan dan sepenuhnya opini*
ternyata waktu gw sempet nulis blog buat bahas kasus ini, uda banyak juga blog2 yang bahas tentang keanehan2 kasusnya David...tapi ya tetep gw tulis, karena gw merasa perlu menyumbang analisis juga buat nanti diperbandingkan dengan fakta yang bakal diungkap
1. media yang terburu-buru memposisikan David sebagai 'yang jahat' dan pihak universitas yang terkesan menutup2i
2. keluarga terdekatnya tidak bisa melihat jenazah David karena alasan peraturan, dan ga boleh jenguk sang profesor. kenapa?
3. profesor yang katanya luka parah di punggung tapi 2 hari uda boleh pulang dari ICU. ICU nya ajaib banget, pantesan orang indonesia berbondong2 berobat kesana... sebetulnya janggal. Mahasiswa dan dosen yang sedang berdiskusi pasti berhadap-hadapan. Mahasiswa kalap, dosen ditusuk. secara logis, kalo skenarionya kayak gini ga mungkin luka tusukannya di punggung.
andai sang dosen sedang memunggungi mahasiswanya. mahasiswa tusuk punggung dosen. lagi-lagi. secara logis, dosennya bakal jatuh ke lantai, bukan begitu? tetapi dari foto-foto yang ditunjukkan, tidak ada noda darah di lantai. yang ada itu percikan darah di kertas-kertas di meja dosen. darah siapa? kenapa tidak diteliti lebih lanjut?
satu lagi, kok sepertinya sang profesor lepas dari interogasi sepulangnya dia dari rumah sakit?
4. pisau tanpa gagang. kemana gagangnya? punya siapa pisaunya? gw yakin gagangnya ada di suatu tempat di kampus sono, dan semestinya dilakukan pencarian gagang piso tersebut. kemungkinan pisaunya emang ga bergagang, atau gagangnya dibuang oleh pihak ke 3 yang berarti ketika penusukan terjadi gagang pisau itu masih ada. iyalah. mana pewe nusuk orang kalo ga ada gagangnya. pasti bikin luka di tangan orang yang menusuk.
5. bekas luka yang katanya ada di pergelangan tangan ternyata ada di leher, berbeda dengan yang diberitakan media. mari kita asumsikan David memang berencana bunuh diri. ga ada gunanya dong dia melukai tubuhnya sendiri kalo memang mau lompat,cuma nambah rasa sakit...
6. kantor profesor di lantai 6. tapi David "lompat" dari lantai 4. kalo pembunuhan dan bunuh diri ini direncanakan, kenapa David harus susah-susah turun tangga ke lantai 4 buat lompat? bukannya lebi gampang kalo langsung lompat dari lantai 6? dan apa yang membuat seseorang yang pasti udah dalam kondisi lemas, dengan leher yang udah berdarah-darah mau bersusah payah turun tangga?
7. Fakta kalo David masi maen game online sampe jam 2 pagi di hari sebelonnya, dan di hari dia tewas di ranselnya ditemukan botol air mineral 1,5 liter dan handuk. apakah ini wajar dilakukan orang yang berencana bunuh diri?
8. bukti-bukti di TKP dan police line yang dalam tempo singkat udah menghilang
9. bisa jadi ada hubungannya, bisa juga nggak. ada asisten dosen di fakultas tsb, yang bertugas di lab yang sama dngn David, gantung diri 5 hari sesudah kejadian. apa dia saksi kunci?

(bukan maksud untuk nggak netral, tapi ternyata kejanggalannya banyak juga dan jauh melenceng dari versi awal yang gw denger. waktu denger versi awalnya gw geleng-geleng kepala karena menyayangkan keputusan David. setelah baca dan dengar banyak fakta, gw geleng-geleng kepala karena versi pertama itu janggal banget)

dugaan gw, kasus ini bukan kasus bunuh diri. fakta-fakta mengarah kesana.
ada beberapa skenario peristiwa yang gw susun bareng tmen gw. tapi kayaknya jadi koleksi pribadi aja deh...
gw bukan siapa-siapanya David. baru dengar namanya waktu ada pemberitaanya di media massa. Tapi gw ngebayangin gw jadi salah satu keluarganya dan ikut menonton pemberitaan di media massa.
gw ngerasa ikut kehilangan meskipun gw ga kenal. Gw berharap, kasus ini diusut sampai tuntas dengan kerjasama RI-Singapura. Pihak keluarga yang ditinggalkan punya hak untuk mengetahui kebenaran. Deepest sympathy dr gw...