Wednesday 16 July 2008

hello, my name is...

hello, i am new.

this is my first time to (try) be a serious blogger. i'd like to introduce myself first.
currently i'm in eleventh grade, a seriously studying school girl (well, exaggerated), left-brained, choleric-sanguin person, and a have nerdy obsessions inside although i don't wear glasses and have at least adequate social skill.
I live near Jakarta, the main city of Indonesia. my hobbies include doing online quizzes and logic puzzles, watching movies, reading books (i like mostly non-fiction books about psychology, non-romantic real life story, and applicative science), reading manga, sketching, and... many more! the least i would like to mention because it will sound like you-think-you're-so-smart is, studying is also one of my...uhm, hobby?
my favorite movies are those with thriller, horror, advanture, and comedy genre. I really love to watch thriller and horror movies alone in my room. now that's sucks because it's hard to find horror movie that 'bites' and sending chill down to my spines.
well, i also like television series of the simpsons. my all time favorite manga is inuyasha!
i sketch in my free time. mostly they're anime-style, but now i also try something more seriously like 3-D objects.
(visit my deviantart:
my favorite subjects at school are lunchtime, recess time, and the last subject of the day. wait. i also suppose to like science.

the reasons i decided to create a blog were, sometimes i have thoughts that i think may need to be passed to the world (uh...talking 'high'), and i also need to express my thoughts through writing. I often think of writing it to a journal book, but soon after i open the book to write i get blank like 'uhm, what the hell am i doing?' and go somewhere else to do something else... but maybe typing an online journal is more appealing to me, and more importantly, i don't have to see my so-so handwriting.

so here comes 'why did the chicken cross the road?'.

okay, i admit it. that's a random sentence I pick somewhere!
why did i pick this name? because I want THIS blog to be 'unlimited'. i want it to be as random as it can be. i want to freely write anything i want to write, from a really random one to things like my goals on the life.

wish myself a happy blogging!

1 comment:

Double Dee said...

Fel gw jg dh bqn blogspot..
taw gk guru komp gw setan bngt, msa dsuru buka blogspotna dy.. mana smua murid dsuru lg!! dikira krg kerjaan..
tapi dy ngancem kalo kg buka kg dikasi nilai..
jijik gw ama tu guru