Monday, 28 July 2008
i just try to be healthier!
exercise-behold! this would sounds cocky
i don't remember why now i care so much about being healthy, i think because several years ago i started to worry a lot about the way my body built. i have a large frame for my height according to elbow breadth measurement test ,even it's still large for people 3-4 inches taller than me. actually i had normal amount of meat with normal amount of fat back then. it's only that i have large frame. but i did look 'big' and started to feel insecure...(well, that time i was younger, stupid, and immature, now i'm older but i'm not sure i've matured or have left my stupidity behind) so, at first the reason i started to do exercise was because i want to get thinner. period. thin, small framed body is so popular; every celebs got it, and i was one of the lacking self confidence kids who was totally brainwashed by media image.........
fortunately my parents agreed about the idea of exercising. so they bought a treadmill. i never cared about being healthy. my point was to be slimmer, blah! soon that treadmill became my property because my parents, very rarely using it. I run regularly, almost excessively on the treadmill, and if you see me running you'd be scared that i would break the treadmill. (bang! bang! bang! bang!)
by the way training like that really brought a change, i was a lousy runner and always left behind in class marathon, and later i was the fastest--HAHA! geez, i'm bragging again, no good... afterall running improves my overall health and makes me feel better about myself! this soon became my hobby too. i also bought aerobic videos. i have to be really-really-really shameless to do this at home... yet it works better than treadmill, i look better--no love handles, no fat rolls... and i rarely get sick in this last two years. if i'm sick, it would be no more than one day. my grade also improved because i become more energized-therefore i'm studying harder. i forgot my real past motivation! now my obsession is to become the healthiest person in the...uh whatever. i lower my risk to get cardiovascular disease by exercising. i lower my risk to get every life-style related disease. i see every lifestyle magazine recommends exercise for a better health. every doctor recommends it too. i'm proud that i have this good habit. but then i start to worrying. how if i can't continue this habit when i'm in college? how if that i'm too busy to exercise? how to still get both exercise time and cum laude score? how to... how to... how to... how to............
food and its supplements--this one isn't too cocky
since now i'm health-conscious, i also started to research about what kind of food and its supplements are good for me.
my parents are also health-freaks; they collect every 'sounds-good' natural supplement reported in trubus magazine that actually more of a 'sounds-weird' supplement. lol. maybe health-freak tendency is hereditary. i also drink some of supplements they purchased. i remember, the first supplement they bought is virgin coconut oil. [unfinished]
Sunday, 27 July 2008
one day in jakarta (part 2) Mandiri Bank Museum, we also saw a diorama set in a big room that was supposed to be the office of the bank in early 20th. half-up of the room were surrounded by glass wall so we could see through it. bank tellers and customers interacted through the holes made on the glass. it was told that most of the employees were chinese (well i can't help but feeling a little bit proud) because they were careful, diligent, hard-working, and accurate as a bank cashier. cool. they must be really smart, since office employee was considered a very good job be done by clever, educated people back then. now, everybody can be an office employee.
by the way i like something that is old-fashioned (in indonesian: jadul...) so i was really impressed by looking the old photograph of office employees. they had the same clothing. they had the same haircut. they even all had the same facial expression...
and the girls, wow, i now understand why they say fashion era always repeated. girls nowaday wear the same clothing with girls that time. no, i don't mean the skinny jeans thing that worn with a t-shirt and cardigan, i'm talking about dress with shirt collar, puffy sleeves, and plaid skirt. it's now really in, but it sucks because now they wear it with stupid legging...i hate legging -_-"
and the weird thing i noticed about this museum...
so this museum had a playground surrounded by the museum building. and i thought i saw something that looks like kindergarten classroom. what the...
later we moved to another museum. finally. it's museum sejarah Jakarta, or Fatahillah Museum. i never thought we would make it to here, because it's placed at the infamous location of traffic jam. busway made easy!
we only had to cross the road (like the chicken...) and walked through the old town area.
argh! those cars were disturbing the sight of old town! get out from there!the old town, somehow looked like a really deserted ghost town, as if people never passed the road there for a loooooooooooooooong time anymore. mold covers the wall, buildings remain not renovated, broken window glasses, ...ugh! really, i thought with this condition the old town would fit the requirement to be a good hang-out place for punksters at night (or maybe a place for some creepy cult members to hold their weekly cult meeting). and those cars, oh please! aren't there any other parking lots for them? why isn't there any regulation that forbid them to park their stupid cars there since it's a historical spot that has to be protected? no need to ask; that's because they pay. paying solves everything in this country, no exclusion for parking retribution. and though the old town is government's property, i'm not sure where the money goes.
actually i'm glad the government still let those old buildings stand proudly among jakarta's fast growing modernization (though they are decayed and deserted), instead of selling those old buildings to some stupid-ignorant-future-business-and-money-oriented-developer who will destroy all the buildings to build new modern shopping center. we don't need any more mall or shopping center. we need something new and different, and sometimes something old can be something new to us. history (including historical buildings and monuments or whatever) is the part of society which makes us the way we are. the government should concern more about this, i know our government should be capable to do more than just keeping the old town. they just never make it real. oh, they never make anything real. i hope those stone-hearted people in government read my writing! the heritage of jakarta interests many domestic and foreign tourists, but it's quite sad that not many old town and old buildings left now. i've never been to europe, but I do think that europe is interesting because of its heritage. people there maintains old buildings well, and that attracts the tourists. they open souvenir shop, cafe, or bookstore at the old buildings. they do their own business, but they still maintain the reall architecture of the old buildings. this is the good thing. you can use the building, renovate it, but don't change it. it's sad that not many people in here have a will to maintain the real architecture of old buildings. they're prefer to rebuild a new buildings out of historical buildings on their own lots (they need IMB to do this, and though old buildings should be protected but is the stupid birocracy system goes)
back to the old town, i would suggest the government seriously renovating this old town. make it more interesting, more hopeful, more beautiful, anything. learn from any european country. this old town has a really good prospect for being a really good city tourism not leave it like a deserted ghost town. if i am a millionaire in the future, i'm positive i would do something about this. I would revitalize it. make it interesting and more lovely. I wish those buildings still remain unchanged until i become a millionaire!(by the way on the way back, we saw newlyweds doing a professional photoshot here. well. see? they still want to use the old buildings even if it's soooooooo abandoned.
and the buildings are old. the newlyweds too...)
Fatahillah Museum

this is a very famous museum. it is located at the very end of old town road. I'd seen this museum being reported by several television tourism shows, and people wrote about this museum in magazines. it's famous of its underground prisons. so we paid the retribution and enter the museum. I guess this museum building was a wealthy dutch's residence in the past. the stairs are still real; they're wide and antique. well, actually there is nothing too special about what inside the museum if you had ever been to National Museum of Jakarta. The second story was filled with antique furnitures, and there is a room that shows the view of big ground in front of the mansion. and in another room, there are the paintings of dutch lanlord and his wife. maybe they were living in that mansion, afterall...
to see the underground prisons, we have to go to the backyard. as it named, the prisons are located right below the mansion (I certainly wouldn't ever want to live above a prison) the prisons weren't as dark as i predicted, those still got sunshine to their front doors. however, the prisons are only about 5 feet tall. There are many ankle weights for prisoners shaped like big metal ball. the air was tight there. i smell the scent of violence here...I heard the prisoners were violently treated, tortured inside those small cells before they were executed in the front ground. what a colonialism.... that's pathetic.
geez, the pictures are still at my friend's camera...
and on the backyard... here it is! clothless metal boy, hermes...

there we were, trying to imitate hermes. me in the middle~
first, i would really want to ask hermes how he got such good-shaped abs while he couldn't access the gym. second, hermes is the son of Zeus in greek mithology. hermes is the messenger of the gods, God of boundaries, shepherds, cowherds, thievery, travellers, invention, general commerce and literature ( sorry but i can't remember what are written below the statue... -_-" this statue was used to be in Harmoni district before some punks vandalized him and made the real hermes transferred to Fatahillah Museum, and a replica replaced the real statue in Harmoni district. and...oh! here is our photograph with an old cannon. no information written about the cannon. i guess all we know is that is a cannon, and that is old because it is placed in museum.
since we hadn't had our lunch yet, we decided to go to Stasiun Kota. it's a train station. my friend, Shandy said there was a tasty-food sold there. okay fine. the station is always crowded, i think. and i really like the architecture of this station! probably it was made by colonial government, since the architecture is really different from any other train stations. the main building was high, and the ceiling was curvaceous. it's marvelous... but the crowd could care no more. the station is quite dirty, and the situation didn't give us any secure feelings. geez. who cares about the architecture of this station...
the food seller was near the train railway. i don't know how to say it in english, it's a place where passengers get on or off from the train. the spot she's selling her food at was not a busy place at that time, so no rushing passangers trying to get on to the train or whatever. ahoy. the lady sold fried noodles with dumplings, poured with 'sambel kacang'. i admit it. i can't stand spicy food. but how spicy this food could be, eh?
the next fifteen minutes later, my life was at stake. I had no drink. my face was bright red, and i gasped for air. good lord, i couldn't stand the spicy taste! and i ordered one full portion. that's a long fifteen minutes... this was the difference. I drank 3 glasses of water. my friends only drank one. great!
we were planning to eat dinner in Plaza Semanggi actually. so we got on the transjakarta. then this thought striked our mind. we wouldn't get off until the last stop, Blok-M station, thinking that the bus would turn the direction, give the passengers time to get off, and therefore we could go back to our start for free. but we're wrong. we had to get off at the blok-m station because it's the very last station. and we had to spend another 3500 rupiahs to go back to our start. the lesson is: don't be a cheapskate!
we ended at Plaza Semanggi, and parted away there. so then we went home......*the end*
duh too long eh!
Friday, 25 July 2008
one day in Jakarta (part 1)

what a dreamy room. mmmm. okay, i know i'm not supposed to take picture, but i guess this is okay. I always want a room like this. Artistic. Old-fashioned. fine furnitures. high ceiling. and really tall windows! the next part of the museum was interesting too. it's a new building though. the first thing we saw are some pre-historical fellas.

look at this fellow fossil. i don't know whether he or she is a he or she. we don't know his or her name. is he or she happy being there watched by museum visitors?
there are also technology from 18th-20th century. there are nautical technology, astronomical technology...
these looked like things captain jack sparrow used, ay! shiver me timber!
well i'm not a good photographer...the second pic is velocity control for chinese! cool... and this is old-fashioned, well-balanced trycycle from probably early 20th century.
after our visit to National Museum of Jakarta, we moved to the west. we got on trans-jakarta, heading to Jakarta kota. Jakarta kota was famous with its old chinatown, old colonial buildings, and once were a very busy trading area. well, now it's still a busy trading area. the bus stopped near Mandiri Bank Museum. I thought our economy teacher should recommend the students to go here. no retribution charged for visitor. This museum showed a large collections of old-fashioned telephone (that one, you spin the button to dial, and rrrrrriiiiingggggggggging like that before you pick it up and say 'yellow?'), old typewriter machines, old stamps...and other old office supplies! there was also a very HUGE book-keeping record:
Monday, 21 July 2008
the end of highschool
but my life has been getting better since i started highschool. i'm glad. especially the eleventh grad... it's a bunch of fun! but this year is, once again, the last year of highschool. yet i'm so excited to start the twelfth grade right after this summer break...i'm bored with this summer break! my brain is rotting because i don't use it in a very long time. but i'm ready to reactivating my brain again. new class (well, it's actually not new because i still have the same classmates), new things to learn, and possibly new teachers. i love it. very much.
what's the point for writing this actually? i want to make a resolution! ooh.
1. i will give 15-30 minutes of my time everyday to prepare national university entering exam! yes, i'm going to pass it, i'm optimistic...i hope. let's do the best
2. maybe keep my stuffs in order... i'm such a mess
3. stop waiting for the last minute to do something
4. going online only in weekends (hukz...)
5. seriously studying...especially on subjects i don't like, like citizenship, religion... duh. ridiculous.
Thursday, 17 July 2008
pengalaman seleksi olimpiade!
tahun 2008 ini lumayan sibuk bwt gw...hueh...masuk2 semester 2, gw ditawarin ama guru kimia gw (bukan ditawarin, setengah dipaksa juga) buat ikut seleksi olimpiade kimia tingkat kota/kabupaten. gw dengan senang hati menyambut. tahun lalu waktu kelas X juga gw pernah ikut seleksi buat matpel biologi (ini lantaran waktu kemarennya ada tes MOSI gw peringkat 2 dari semua peserta2 biologi sekolah-sekolah daerah cikarang meskipun nilainya...yah begitulah), tapi gagal-di-tingkat-kota/kabupaten...namanya juga masih kelas 1 (sok pinter lg). waktu itu gw cuma disodorin setumpuk buku biologi dan disuruh baca sendiri. tobat deh. bukunya tebel, isinya penuh dengan hal2 asing,... -_-"
...parahnya, ga ada bimbingan dari guru biologi. ada sih kadang2 beberapa kali. tapi itupun gurunya buru2 gt deh...
tadinya tahun ini gw mao disuruh ikut bio lagi...tapi entah kenapa berakhir dengan ikut seleksi matpel kimia... (bingung? padahal kayaknya kalo gw ikut biologi bisa sedikit lebih sukses dari ikut kimia karena uda punya gambaran apa aja yang dipelajarin dari tahun lalu)
abisnya ga ada yg mau mengorbankan diri buat ikut seleksi2 gitu lagi... tahun 2008 itu jamannya bikin KARYA ILMIAH buat angkatan gw. KARYA ILMIAH yang bikin murid2 menangis darah, rontok rambutnya, yang bikin murid2 sains sukses mengejar pimpinan project sains==> guru kimia... buat mengejar tanda-tangan artis yang terus berkata "no comment. ulang proposal kamu. ini invalid. hei, sampulnya ngga begini. ulang. kok bolpennya warnanya gini? saya gak mau acc kalo warnanya gini. cari bolpen lain dulu. ulang. kamu, rapikan dasi kamu dulu baru saya acc. bla3"
bwakakakakakakkakakakakakakakakkakaakak! kalo inget lucu banget. makanya gw tulis disini.
gara2 itu dan faktor2 x...akhirnya gw yg ikut seleksi kimia, dan ga ada yang ikut seleksi biologi...
akhirnya sepanjang semester 2 kelas XI gw mengorbankan jam ekskul gw buat belajar kimia. kadang diajarin guru kimianya langsung, kadang diajar kakak kelas yang tahun lalu peserta (pinter bngt tuh.) ...ekskul gw sebenarnya french. tapi di ekskul gw pelajarin kesetimbangan kimia, koligatif larutan, oksidasi alkanol, turunan2 percuma. akhirnya gw lolos ke propinsi meskipun gw ngerjain soal seleksi kabupaten dalam keadaan pilek berat...yg menyebabkan banyak salah baca soal PG! huaaaaa! waktu nunggu pengumuman yang lolos itu gw uda madesu aja, lantaran PG gw setengahnya ngawur gara2 ceroboh. murni. ceroboh. satu yang paling gw inget: sebutkan jumlah isomer2 C8H16. naasnya gw baca C8H16 jadi C6H16. naasnya lagi, jawabannya ada di pilihannya...
oleh sebab itu gw cuma dapat peringkat 4 se kabupaten bekasi. beda nilai peringkat 1-6 tipis2 banget...kecuali gap peringkat 1 dan 2. fiuhhhhhhh. gw lolos karena hoki...coba kalo peserta yg lolos maksimal 3 orang... bisa nangis kimos gw smbil menyesali betapa cerobohnya diri ini~
Tuhan masi ngasi gw kesempatan!
selama 10 hari gw ikut pembinaan di sekolah lain bareng 5 orang lainnya, dan itu ngambil jam pelajaran. Padahal akhir mei itu musim2nya ulangan, revisi project, ulangan blok... uda pasrah aja dah gw. kesempatan gw buat usaha sebagus2nya buat seleksi propinsi cuma sekali itu aja. tahun depan uda ga ada kesempatan buat gw lagi, gw uda kelas 12.
tanggal 2 juni gw berangkat ke bandung bareng temen2 1 tim kimia. mereka anaknya baik2 loh. hoohohhohoho... tes seleksinya tanggal 3 juni. tes nya, kalo menurut gw, gampang. macam ulangann harian yang biasa dikasih guru kimia gw lah, cuma lebih susah ga bisa 3 nomor dari 30. essay cuma ga bisa satu nomor dari 9 nomor... yang bikin gw heran, selama 3 jam itu gw segitu enjoynya (atw stres?) ngerjain soal sampe waktu selesai rambut gw tau2 uda bertebaran di meja... (gyaaa! mengerikan!)
waktu gw balik dari bandung, gw berubah mikirin nasib gw yang harus menyelesaikan belasan ulangan dalam waktu 1 minggu............................
meskipun akhirnya ga lolos ke nasional ( uda curiga emang ga lolos karena guru kimia gw ga ngasitau apa2, padahal OSN bakal diadain tanggal 8-15 agustus 2008) gw banyak dapet hal 'baru' selama 6 bulan itu.
-seperti entry sebelumnya: tanpa kekasih belajar berjalan lancar! hahahahahaha!
-sopan+respek sama guru. gw kagum lihat bagaimana bedanya anak2 dari sma2 yang notabene 'memegang tradisi indonesia' dengan anak2 sekolah gw dalam hal memperlakukan gurunya. mereka setiap ketemu sama gurunya selalu cium tangan. datang masuk ke kelas cium tangan. meninggalkan kelas juga cium tangan. gw kagok-kagok juga karena dari 6 orang satu tim, cuma gw yang ga punya kebiasaan gitu! mereka juga berbicara sama gurunya...aduh sopan sekali. meskipun mungkin guru itu uda kayak temen mereka, meskipun guru itu mungkin nyebelin n ga becus ngajar, tapi mereka masih respek sama guru sebagaimana mestinya. gw kagum banget sama mereka. bedanya dengan kita yang 'berbudaya lain', kita lebih cenderung buat jadi ngga punya respek sama guru. kita cenderung anggap 'guru yang butuh kita, orang kita yang bayar sekolah'. oops. sadar. yang bayar uang sekolah masih ortu kalian nak! kita yang butuh guru. gimana klo sekolah lo ga ada guru? dan lagi guru itu ga butuh kita, wong guru pengalamannya lebih banyak. kita yang masih bego. guru tamat sarjana. kita? tamat sma juga belon! guru juga yakin senyolot2nya guru, betapapun tampangnya minta ditonjok, guru itu selalu harapin semua muridnya berhasil. betul? jadi ...mari jadi orang yang lebih 'berbudaya indonesia'.
-gw uda selesai belajar semua materi kimia kelas 1-3. yay! ntar kelas 3 gw bisa lebih fokus ke persiapan masuk PTN. gw bakal coba ambil jurusan kedokteran UI...atau mungkin teknik kimia ITB. amin.
-masih ada langit...di atas langit! gw bisa ngerjain soal bukan jaminan gw bakal lolos...haaaahh...
-tadinya gw benci-banget-banget ama kimia. waktu kelas X aja gw remed terus.soal ulangannya susah2 (gw pernah ngegap gurunya ambil soal ulangan dari soal seleksi olimpiade propinsi). gurunya ngajarnya cepet lg. gw nyaris ogah masuk ipa gara2 kimia yang begitulah...tapi ternyata sesuatu yang bener2 gw ngga sukain bisa jadi sesuatu yang bener2 gw suka karena gw menemukan pelajaran ini sebagai tantangan, bukan penghambat gw dapet rata2 85 di rapor. untung gw masuk jurusan ipa...kalo ngga cerita ini ngga bakal ada...!
(ngomong2 soal rapor, gw kaget waktu liat ekskul gw ditulis di rapor bukan french. ekskul sains! gw satu2nya peserta pertama ekskul sains!)
inuyasha manga: that's the end!
finally i finish readingInuYasha manga.
so glad it ends very well with a happy ending...takahashi really did such a great job!
although there are some things I'm confused of. first, in the end kagome lived in sengoku jidai era with inuyasha. does she still return to the modern world? and, if they're married, wouldn't it be a time paradox? what would their kids be, a quarter-youkai? these questions are probably tickling the other fans too...(or is it only me?) I would really like to ask the creator directly, if i have the chance! really!
...ah whatever, I really love the story. really. It goes like fairy tales...Japanese version. if only my love life can be more beautiful than that... sigh... x_x i don't mind living in the past anyway, the earth nowadays contains too much pollution... *drown in fantasies*
the truth, this story was succeed to touch my long-time untouched-unrevealed emotional, human side. sounds sappy? I really really hate sounds sappy. but I do sound sappy now! damn!
I'm kinda sad too. i had been reading the manga series since I was still a fifth grader. Six years later finally i finish it. now I am going to be a twelfth time passed so quickly, eh.
I had ever thought of quitting reading this manga two years ago because I got tired and thought 'this story will never have any end'. Indonesian publisher published the mangas in a very confusing way...ugh...irregular... (see? they lost their precious customer by not publishing Inuyasha regularly)
since then, I rarely read any manga. The only manga I read is manga that everyone else here read: Death Note. because it published regularly.
since then I have been trying to get real to cut the cost (i was really an anime freak back then; I collect Inuyasha vcd from the very first episode to 110-something episode and i tried to grow my hair like kikyou's) and try to enjoy something more real like music and japanese style experiment .at least these things don't require too much money!
eventually I didn't have anything to do this summer, and suddenly I decided to re-watch those inuyasha vcd from the very beginning. In only 2 weeks, I had watched all the vcds......yerp!
And suddenly again, this came to my mind: 'this is a really worth-watching anime, why did I stop to watch it?'
sure I had not had my opportunity to buy more VCDs. so I decided to just read the manga online...
indonesian manga publisher is not fair. Inuyasha manga are published soooooo slowly!
...and in one week, I coped reading chapter 339 to chapter 558.
I hope I don't need to wear any glasses after this summer, duh......
Personally I think it's the best manga I've ever read. from all animes and mangas that i had read/watched to the end, Inuyasha (manga version...) is the best one. it has an favorable and clear ending. what I really like from the story is, it never gets boring. the basic plot also didn't give any chance for me to guess how it would be ended. plus, sesshoumaru-sama is still a really cool youkai in the end! *thats the man of my dream*

now I, proudly declare that i already finish reading Inuyasha manga...!
by the way, my hair also already looks like kikyou' least the bang. maybe I'll give a try to grow my hair once again......
i don't need any !
for now i just realized how i really enjoy my freedom. no needy boy sticks around me. no one makes me stay up late just to listen to whines and makes me incapable of doing what i want as a human. no one, no any &*^%ing person who tries to change one bugs me just because i have to call them. no one says scary things like: forever you're mine, or why are you so not romantic? shut up!
life is beautiful. really. especially when there is no boyfriend bugs my life.
(well, although life can be more beautiful with the right boyfriend) but right now, i really don't need any.
for me, my highschool life is already great without anyone ruining it, based on the reasons i mentioned above. maybe i'd like to find a fine one, but later, someday, if necessary.
Wednesday, 16 July 2008
hello, my name is...
this is my first time to (try) be a serious blogger. i'd like to introduce myself first.
currently i'm in eleventh grade, a seriously studying school girl (well, exaggerated), left-brained, choleric-sanguin person, and a have nerdy obsessions inside although i don't wear glasses and have at least adequate social skill.
I live near Jakarta, the main city of Indonesia. my hobbies include doing online quizzes and logic puzzles, watching movies, reading books (i like mostly non-fiction books about psychology, non-romantic real life story, and applicative science), reading manga, sketching, and... many more! the least i would like to mention because it will sound like you-think-you're-so-smart is, studying is also one of my...uhm, hobby?
my favorite movies are those with thriller, horror, advanture, and comedy genre. I really love to watch thriller and horror movies alone in my room. now that's sucks because it's hard to find horror movie that 'bites' and sending chill down to my spines.
well, i also like television series of the simpsons. my all time favorite manga is inuyasha!
i sketch in my free time. mostly they're anime-style, but now i also try something more seriously like 3-D objects.
(visit my deviantart:
my favorite subjects at school are lunchtime, recess time, and the last subject of the day. wait. i also suppose to like science.
the reasons i decided to create a blog were, sometimes i have thoughts that i think may need to be passed to the world (uh...talking 'high'), and i also need to express my thoughts through writing. I often think of writing it to a journal book, but soon after i open the book to write i get blank like 'uhm, what the hell am i doing?' and go somewhere else to do something else... but maybe typing an online journal is more appealing to me, and more importantly, i don't have to see my so-so handwriting.
so here comes 'why did the chicken cross the road?'.
okay, i admit it. that's a random sentence I pick somewhere!
why did i pick this name? because I want THIS blog to be 'unlimited'. i want it to be as random as it can be. i want to freely write anything i want to write, from a really random one to things like my goals on the life.
wish myself a happy blogging!